Monday, June 16, 2014

Every Day a Little Less Sane.

I've contemplated creating this blog for a while, but have never had the guts to until recently.

Here's the deal: I am not a great parent.  Or even a super adult.  On my better days, I am a fairly normal human being; on my worse, I am also a fairly normal human being :-D

I have two lovely, intelligent, amazing daughters (who I love dearly) who frequently turn into tiny, raging monster beasts.

I have no clue what I'm doing most days!  Someone should have written a manual for this stuff.  So as I blunder along in life and parenting, I am going to tell you what no one told me, starting with:

No one told me sanity is optional.

My mother (who is an phenomenal woman) had six kids.  I only have two, and find my hands are full all day, every day.  So one day I asked her, "mom, how did you do it?  How did you raise all six of us and remain sane?"  She was silent for a moment, and then replied "well, it really wasn't that bad, honestly."  And that was when I knew that my mom had lost her marbles.  A lovely, talented, amazing woman, but sadly, completely insane.


I guess I kept assuming that sanity was a requisite part of motherhood--that mom always had it together, and was always in control, and never lapsed. What no one told me is that sanity really is optional, and most of us don't make it out without being a little cracked.  And that is ok!  Really, it is. You might not make it out of motherhood with your sanity intact, but, as the Mad Hatter says: "you're entirely bonkers.  But I'll tell you a secret.  All the best people are."
So tomorrow, when my little monsters are awake and I feel like my brains are coming unglued, I'll just keep in mind that they are helping me become one of the best :-D

So now you know you don't have to be sane--stay tuned in for next time!
